Matrices and Linear Algebra on the Earliest Uses Pages
This is an INDEX to the Matrix
and Linear Algebra
entries on Jeff Miller’s Earliest Uses
Earliest Known Uses of Some of
the Words of Mathematics
Earliest Uses of Various
Mathematical Symbols
These pages cover all branches of mathematics. The Words page is organised alphabetically with separate (large) files for each letter (printing out C would take 50 pages, but it’s exceptionally big!) and the Symbols page is organised by subject. The Symbols page has a section Symbols for Matrices and Vectors.
The following is a list of entries on the Words pages. It is only a rough guide to those pages because it is hard to draw a line between matrix terms and general mathematical terms. Matrix indicates there is material on the Symbols for Matrices and Vectors page and Calculus that there is material on the Symbols of Calculus .page.
There are also indexes of terms used in Vector analysis and the one for Probability and Statistics, one of the many fields in which matrices are used. For a general perspective on word-formation in mathematics see my Mathematical Words: Origins and Sources.
A – B
Adjoint matrix Affine Associative Augmented matrix B
Basis Bra and ket vectors |
Canonical correlation Canonical form Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Cayley-Hamilton
theorem Characteristic value etc. Cholesky decomposition
etc. Commutative Companion matrix Condition number etc. Cramer’s rule Cross product Matrix Curl Calculus |
D – E
Del Calculus Design matrix Matrix Determinant Matrix Distributive Divergence Calculus Dot product Matrix E
Eigenvalue Elementary operations Eliminant Elimination Equivalent matrix |
F – H
Field G
Gauss-Jordan Gaussian elimination Matrix Generalized inverse
Matrix Gradient Calculus Gram-Schmidt Group Hadamard product Hat matrix Helmert transformation Hermitian matrix Hessian Hilbert space Householder transformation Hyper determinant |
I – K
Idempotent Identity matrix Matrix Inner product Matrix Inverse Matrix J
Jacobian K
Kernel Kronecker product Matrix |
- N L
expansion Latent value
etc. Law of inertia Leverage Linear algebra Linear combination Linear dependence Linear equation Matrix Geometry Linear
transformation Markov chain Matrix Matrixx Matrix mechanics Method of least squares
Matrix Minor Moore-Penrose inverse
Matrix Multicollinearity Nilpotent Norm Matrix Normal matrix Nullity Null space
O – P
Orthogonal matrixOrthogonal vectors (see perpendicularity GeometryOuter productP
Pauli matrices Permanent Perron-Frobenius
theorem Pfaffian Pivot Positive definite Projection Proper value etc. |
Q – R
QR algorithm Quadratic form Quaternion R
RankRayleigh quotient Regression Matrix Relaxation |
Scalar Matrix Scalar product Matrix Schmidt othogonalization Schur complement Schur product Secular equation Signature Similar matrix Simultaneous equations Matrix Singular matrix Singular value decomposition Skew symmetric matrix Space Spectrum Square matrix
Tensor Trace Transpose Matrix Triangle inequality
U – V
matrix V
determinant Vector Matrix Vector space
W – Z
Wronskian X
matrix Matrix |
Although matrices as abstract objects were introduced in the 19th century, historians, such as Katz (ch. 15.5), often begin their account of matrices with the Chinese scholars of the Han period (200-100 BC) who solved linear equations by means of Gaussian elimination. Much of today’s matrix theory was developed in the 18th and 19th centuries as determinant theory; the history of that subject is followed contribution by contribution by Muir. More matrix theory was ‘concealed’ in Hamilton’s quaternion analysis from which developed the vector analysis of Gibbs; this history is given by Crowe. Another relevant parallel story was Die Ausdehnungslehre of Grassmann. The principal architects of matrix theory in the 19th century were Cayley and Frobenius. Monographs on matrix theory in English began to appear in the 1930s and those by MacDuffee and Wedderburn have many historical references. Later the formulations used in functional analysis, particularly in Hilbert space theory, influenced presentations of the theory of finite-dimensional vector spaces. Kline (ch. 33) begins his account of matrices by emphasising their convenience rather than their mathematical significance and, indeed beginning in the 1920s with the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics, matrices were adopted in many subjects. Matrices were particularly prominent in the post-war development of numerical analysis; the books by Householder and Farebrother contain much valuable historical information.
John Aldrich,